Course Description

HOW frustrated are you with men RIGHT NOW??

You probably walk around all day wishing you could figure out a way to get your man to be more helpful, more open, more loving, right?


The Man Whisperer is here!

This course is designed as the answer to the dozens of emails I get every day. Whether it is a new relationship, a fresh breakup, or a relationship that has been around for a while, all women want to know the same thing - how to understand a man!

The Man Whisperer takes this one step further - I not only help you understand men, but I will help you use this information to get your man to do what you want - to share with you more, to spend more time with you, to be more open and to show you he loves you (something he is probably already doing-you just don't realize it yet!)

The best part? This not only helps you with your romantic relationships with men, but with all of your relationships with men. Now, you will have the ability to understand the behaviors of every man in your life!

Gregg Michaelsen

Confidence Builder | Dating Coach

Gregg feels that coaching has chosen him. He grew up just as many others – in a dysfunctional, but loving family. After going through twelve years of his own failed relationships, he decided to try and decode dating for men and women. That elusive older couple sitting in the park holding hands gave him hope!Gregg began his journey into understanding the mistakes we make in dating and how to fix them by interviewing thousands of people – happy couples, unhappy couples, singles looking for ‘the one’ and everyone in between. He reviewed his own dating experiences and combined all of this information into his series of dating advice books for men and women.

Course curriculum

    1. How to Navigate The Course

    2. The Man Whisperer Introduction

    1. The Differences Between Men and Women - An Introduction

    2. Difference Between Men and Women Introduction

    1. Man Whisperer Lesson 1

    2. The Biology of Boys and Girls

    3. The Biology of Boys and Girls - Lesson

    4. Biology of Boys and Girls - Checklist

    1. The Conveyor Belt to Manhood

    2. Conveyor Belt to Manhood - Lesson

    3. The Conveyor Belt to Manhood - Exercise

    4. The Conveyor Belt to Manhood - Checklist

    5. Wet Kitten Infographic

    1. Where do Men Find Self Worth

    2. Where do Men Find Self Worth - Lesson

    3. Where do Men Find Self Worth - Exercise

    4. Where do Men Find Self Worth - Checklist

    1. We Love in Different Ways

    2. Men and Love - Lesson

    3. Men and Love - Checklist

    4. 80 Ways to Read a Man

    5. Men and Love - Exercise

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 108 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content